Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sheaffer night at Perks!

Many thanks to Patrick Clarke and Nathaniel Clarke of Morton-Clarke & Co. for coming to our pen club meeting on Thursday (November 15) to talk about the new offerings from the Sheaffer Pen Company. Patrick brought some prototypes and samples of the not-released-yet "Sigaris" and "Taranis" models for us to see (you can see the trays of pens that he brought in the videos below).

Both the Sigaris and Taranis are handsome writing instruments, and it's great to see that Sheaffer is still coming up with innovative designs. Patrick's talk was well-received and we had record attendance that night (25 members!), so it was a fun evening. Many thanks to Christopher R. for taking the videos!

The Sagaris isn't on the official Sheaffer website yet (and it's coming out in December 2012, we were told), but I found some nice photos on Jim Mamoulides' amazing site:

The Taranis is due out in the first quarter of 2013 (probably March, according to Patrick). Here's a photo of the model that was posted on Fountain Pen Geeks, one of my favourite pen sites:

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