Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sabrina Sasaki Wins the Door Prize

Originally uploaded by Tim Conklin

VPC Members at their November Meeting

Another picture from our November meeting.
Originally uploaded by Tim Conklin

VPC Members at the November Meeting

Originally uploaded by Tim Conklin

VPC Members Enjoy a Lighter Moment

Here's a picture from our November meeting. We had a great time. You should have been there.
Originally uploaded by Tim Conklin

Thursday, November 13, 2008

VPC Members Attend the Bellingham Meeting of the Seattle Pen Club

Here is a recent picture of some of our members who took a roadtrip to Bellingham. You'll see Bill Kempton, Maja Furlong, Tim Conklin and Dave Moffatt in the photo.

VPC Announces November Meeting

The Vancouver Pen Club announces its November meeting as follows:

Date: Thursday 20 November 2008
Time: 6:00 for "happy hour" (meet & greet) and 6:30 for meeting start
Location: Perks Pens on Cambie @ 42nd across from Oakridge Centre
Theme: Deserted Island Pen/Ink/Paper -- if you were marooned on an island with only one fountain pen, some paper and one bottle of ink, which would you hope to have with you?

Alternatively, bring your look alikes. You know, those "off-brand" pens that were designed to look just like a more famous pen. Probably the most imitated pen is the Parker 51. How many other pen manufacturers tried to copy the design features of that pen? Let's see what you've got.

Hope to see you all next Thursday. -- Tim Conklin