Thursday, December 26, 2024

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 537

Hope you had a nice Christmas (for those of you that celebrate)! Our December meeting report will be posted here by the end of this next week (apologies for the delay-- I'm battling a nasty virus). While you're waiting for that, here's a double shot of some very nice vintage Parker writing instruments, courtesy of Christopher!

He writes: "I think if there is one line of vintage pens and mechanical pencils which, for the most part remains unsung, it has to be the Parker Parkette. Assessed originally as Parker's bottom tier contender when introduced during the early 1930s, it is evident today that most vintage pen collectors are just as happy to pass them by. To my mind, this is a mistake because in a lot of cases, Parker Parkettes are beautifully finished and not without a quality that can stand up to a lot of other pen manufacture's products. In fact, in some cases, evidentially Parker used their Duofold line plastic on their Parkettes. And I think we as vintage pen enthusiasts all know just how good the quality was of the Parker Duofold plastic. Being so aware of the pen market, I think that Parker definitely saw the value of applying a lever filler, over a button filler, to the Parkette line of fountain pens. As for nibs, oh yes, a good number of the Parkette models sported steel points but, again, the ones I have run across have been very well made and ground. But I think the real lesson here involves basic corporate survival, in a very challenging and difficult financial time, when every penny counted. And one has to consider that although this depression period started in 1929, it still was evident as late as 1940. So, the idea of a reasonably priced writing instrument just made good sense.

The Parker Parkette was the company's second kick at the low price pen market can. It followed the 'Parco', which, basically, introduced for the first time the Parker 'Lever Filler'. But I think what is also most impressive about this Parker line of writing instruments was the extent of different products and the many years of production, which lasted into the very early 1950s. Of course, there were many different models over the years, and with them many different sets including desk sets, which will be, in part, my focus. But I cannot round this intro out without mentioning the many different beautiful exterior finishes, which must have been a great marketing tool for this Parker line of products.

(photos by Christopher ~ please click on images to enlarge)

What I am going to feature now are several different Parker Parkette sets. But at the same time, because they relate in a number of different ways, I have personally decided to feature them together in the same Parker original display box. So, starting with a De Luxe slender set I have to say right from the get-go, I was truly taken with the fountain pan and matching mechanical pencil regarding this Parkette set. Finished in jet black plastic, of impressive quality might I add, the fittings are 14K Gold filled and although the banding on the pencil is presented in a stacked coin design, the fountain sports a quite wide and very attractive cap band. As mentioned, the pen is a lever filler which, thanks to Parker, works very well. The grip section on the pen houses a well-made and responsibly well ground, steel Parkette nib. Both pencil and pen still have the factory text enhanced in white on the barrel. In fact, when I got this fine set, it was unused and my guess, new old store stock. To round this set off, the clips definitely have the essence of the Parker arrow design.


The second set is a Parker Parkette desk set, in very fine condition, complete in its original Parker display box. The pen is a standard Parkette, finished in grey and black with red vein accents. The grey has a pearl quality to it in part and the mix of the colours gives off a slight green shade, superbly attractive in any vintage pen collector's opinion. The screw on desk set fountain pen taper, is jet black as is the grip section, which sports again a well-made and responsibly ground steel Parkette marked nib. Yet again a Parker Lever filler and when not being used the pen point and grip section slides comfortably into the desk set trumpet. This receiver is finished in jet black and can be swiveled on its metal mount which, in turn, is inserted into a beautiful white marble with a mixture of tan lines and soft grey tones desk set base.

 On the bottom of this desk set base is a complete Parker Parkette product listing paper sticker, mounted on green under cloth felt. The desk set display box has a jet-black lid, with attractive white swirl line patterns. This box bottom is further enhanced with the company branding on both front and back flanges. These Parker brandings are revealed by the box lid being cut out on its front and back flanges to show this branding. The inside of the box is well appointed, with an insert to hold and secure all of the desk set pieces.

Now just as a personal touch, I was able to fit the Parker Parkette De luxe set into an area on the box insert, which looked like it was made for it. And for a finishing touch, all the writing instruments are suitably Parker Date coded 1939. This includes the fountain pen nibs. Although this finished boxed Parker treasure is not like it left the factory in the late 1930s, I find it totally satisfying and will enjoy adding it to my collection.
Our thanks to Christopher for these great write ups!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Happy holidays, etc.

(Thanks to all who came to our December meeting last night; I'll post photos from it in the next few days!)

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Next meeting -- this Thursday!

When: Thursday December 19, 2024

Where: Branch Meeting Room (in the basement) of the Vancouver Public Library's KITSILANO branch at 2425 Macdonald Street (between Broadway and West 8th) in Vancouver, B.C.

Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm (we'll have access to the room at 5:00pm, but the meeting won't start until 5:30pm or so)

Primary Topic: Fountain pens that remind you of winter/the holiday season ☃️❄️πŸ¦ŒπŸŽ…

Secondary Topic: New pen-related acquisitions (including new inks, paper, etc)

If you have some pen-related items you don't want or need, and just want to give them away, bring them to the meeting and leave them on the designated table, and then take something that someone else left on the table (if you wish).

🌟ALSO---INK SWAP! It's also completely voluntary, but if you have full bottles/part bottles/cartridges/samples in vials you want to trade (or sell), please bring them with you to the meeting. This is a great opportunity to swap or sell inks!

 No RSVPs necessary! Any questions? Please email us at:

Friday, December 13, 2024

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 536

Our next meeting is on Thursday December 19 (details in previous blog post), but here's a pen review for you to enjoy in the meantime. It's another one of Christopher's newest (vintage of course :) acquisitions - a very nice set made by a manufacturer we haven't featured on our club's website before!

Christopher writes:
"In recovery mode from the second World War, Germany ramped up its exports. That included writing instruments. And if there was one thing you could almost always count on with items as such, it was with a definite focus on quality. Such is the case with an impressive, well-appointed set that included an attractive fountain pen, with matching mechanical pencil and ball point, all neatly fitting neatly into a brown soft plastic case. This case is ribbed with long vertical pockets to accommodate all involved. 

 (photo courtesy of Christopher ~ please click on image to enlarge) 

But let me start off with the fountain pen. Finished in a beautiful lined striated green and pearl, separated by thin vertical lines but complemented at the top with a webbed ink-view window. The grip section is black and houses a well ground, generously tipped steel nib. The fittings are 14K Gold filled while the cap sports both a long typically German ring clip and a medium banding. The top clip screw is jet black and conically shaped. This is a piston filler to be operated by a knob located beneath a rounded out blind cap. 

The matching Mechanical pencil is quite substantial and has a black button clicker mechanism to extend the lead to write with. The matching ballpoint is a little more streamlined and also has a clicker mechanism to bring out the standard basic refill point for writing. What I personally like about this three-piece set, is that it covers all the bases, plain and simple, but in a most attractive well-appointed way. It also appears to have never been used and possibly new old store stock. And that leaves me with the manufacturer, which I believe is Monarch, a German company and the vintage, which I would have to say is mid 1950s. Needless, this set will probably become a traveling companion and with me for journal notes abroad."

Our thanks to Christopher for the photo and write up!
Have a great weekend, everyone :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

December meeting information!

December 2024 meeting information:

When: Thursday December 19, 2024

Where: Branch Meeting Room (in the basement) of the Vancouver Public Library's KITSILANO branch at 2425 Macdonald Street (between Broadway and West 8th) in Vancouver, B.C.

Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm (we'll have access to the room at 5:00pm, but the meeting won't start until 5:30pm or so)

Primary Topic: Fountain pens that remind you of winter/the holiday season! ☃️❄️πŸ¦ŒπŸŽ… (e.g. white pens, or pens you received as holiday gifts, or pens with snowflakes, glitter, etc. on them -- whatever pens remind *you* of the topic!)

Secondary Topic: New pen-related acquisitions (including new inks, paper, etc) Please don't worry if you don't have anything for either topic -- just come and have fun seeing what others brought to show for the topics!

If you have some pen-related items you don't want or need, and just want to give them away, please feel free to bring them to the meeting and leave them on the designated table, and then take something that someone else left on the table (if you wish). 

This is completely voluntary, of course, but if you have any ink (full bottles/part bottles/cartridges/samples in vials) that you want to trade (or sell), please bring it to the meeting! 

 Hope you can make it to our next meeting--no RSVPs necessary! Any questions? Please email us at:

Monday, December 2, 2024

Some pen pics from November's meeting

Our club's recent get-together at Buchan's Kerrisdale Stationery was more of a social gathering than a meeting, but I remembered to snap a few photos of some nice pens people brought to show others (*Sherman's photos from our meeting are in the previous blog post*), so here they are...

(all photos by Maja ~ please click on images to enlarge)
This is a stunning vintage Parker 'Geometric Duofold' fountain pen (nicknamed the "Toothbrush Duofold" because of its pattern) belonging to Grant. It's a hard-to-find pen because it was only produced from 1939-1940.

A lovely vintage Parker set also owned by Grant, consisting of a ringtop fountain pen and a mechanical pencil.

Grant tells me that they're a Parker Jack Knife set, specifically the 1918 Jack Knife #99S. Grant adds: "The Jack Knife models were differentiated by this point via either an L for Long or S for Short. These may have been among the first button-filler pen models that Parker introduced and were cousins to the famous Trench Pens produced by Parker throughout the Great War." More info on this lovely Parker model can be found at (under the 1918 entry). I did a bit more digging after Grant sent me this info and found the fountain pen in a 1919 Parker catalog (link), where its retail price was $15.00 -- a lot of money in 1919!

Matthew brought some recent acquisitions to show, including this Lamy 'Safari' "Song Dynasty" Lamy x Ink House Hong Kong limited edition, a collaboration between Lamy and the Lamy x Ink House Hong Kong retail store. The packaging (and matching pen case) is amazing!

Another Asian-exclusive Lamy fountain pen! This one is a Lamy Safari "Pokemon -Bulbasaur" special edition .

The packaging for this one is out-of-this-world!

And lastly, here's a quick snap (taken at home) of the stuff I bought at Buchan's during our November meeting---a Retro 51 'Royale Jack of Spades' rollerball and a bottle of Octopus Fluids Sheening "Medusa" ink (the ink was purchased with the gift certificate I won as a door prize that same night :) Our thanks, once again, to Buchan's for being such great hosts!

(~blog post by Maja~)

Record-breaking attendance at our November meeting at Buchan's!

Huge thanks to Buchan's Kerrisdale Stationery for hosting our November meeting on Saturday the 23rd! πŸ˜€ There were at least 70 people in attendance (including at least 59 VPC members!!) and a good time was had by all. Our thanks also to Michael Pons of the LSF Group (distributors of Pelikan, Faber-Castell, LAMY, Visconti, Monteverde, Platinum, Pineider, and Diplomat) for donating many of the door prizes given out that night. Sherman (the "Selfie King") was kind enough to document the evening with lots of photos (thank you so much, Sherman!πŸ‘) so, without further ado, here they are...

(all photos courtesy of Sherman ~ please click on images to enlarge)
As at our previous meeting at their lovely store (in October 2023), Buchan's provided tables and chairs for our members to use. Seated around the one above are (clockwise, from lower left) Rumi, Allan, Bruce, Charles and Sherman.

Is Sherman practicing writing without looking at the paper?!? (hey--he did it while wearing a blindfold the last time we had a meeting at Buchan's -- link πŸ˜‚)

Store staff preparing signage for their Black Friday sale...

(L-R) Sherman, Margaret, Matthew, me (Maja) and Grant (in hat)

(L-R) Asifa, Sherman and (Buchan's employee) Cat.

(L-R) Sherman, David C, Trevor, Lisa (✌️) and Cynthia.

(L-R) Dana, Rebecca, Amy (πŸ‘‹) and Sherman.

(L-R) Sherman, brand-new member Joy, Shirley, her husband Dave, Rishi and David L.

(L-R) Sherman, Andrea, her husband Don and Rumi. Andrea is holding up her brand-new Rickshaw pen storage "Coozies" with our exclusive VPC Orca design on them.

(L-R) Stuart, Fernie, Deborah, (Andrii & Glenn in the background), Asifa and Sherman.

(L-R) David C, (someone I don't recognize in the background - sorry!), Rene and Sherman.

(L-R) Mmina, Rishi, David L, Amy, Luc, Francis, Mindy and Sherman enjoying the snacks & hot drinks Buchan's provided for us!

(L-R) Rebecca, Dana and Sherman. As you can see, Buchan's doesn't just carry stationery --- they also sell things like puzzles (and other gift items)...

(L-R) Sherman, Kenneth (πŸ‘), David C. and Andrew.

(L-R) Sherman, Esther and Rumi.

(L-R), Sherman, Buchan's employees Camila & Yugo (orange hoodie), and newer member David M.

(L-R) Matthew, (Jerred & Esther in the background), Alvin, Sherman, Yen, and Grant. Alvin is holding my Radius 1934 "Settimo" fountain pen in "Cielo Blu"---a great Italian-made fountain pen!

(L-R) Anson (of Springfield Pens), Rumi, Sherman and Vladan.

(L-R) Vladan (seated), Andrea, Anson and Sherman.

(L-R) (Alejandra and Dominique - both in the background), Sharon T. (seated), Charles, Vladan and Sherman. I don't know the names of the two ladies wearing hats behind them; if you do, please drop us a line!

Sherman with Andrii, who attended his first VPC meeting that night....

There was a lot of activity at the tills that night, with many members taking advantage of the time to socialize *and* shop!

(L-R) Sherman, Buchan's store manager Irena and Camila. Sherman is holding up a lovely leather pen case by Galen Leather, whose products Buchan's started carrying a few weeks ago...

Door prize time!! Shona (in black puffy jacket) is about to spin the wheel of prizes, while Buchan's owner Inna (next to Shona) and Luc (standing across from them) look on. Brand-new member Sarah (wearing a grey hoodie) is leaning against the shelving on the far right of the photo.

That's Villoo and her husband Paul on the far left. In the foreground is Liz R's adorable little boy, who attended his second VPC meeting that night (his first was back in September 2023)... and he was as good as gold, despite all the activity 😊

Above: Andrii using one of Buchan's two pen & paper testing stations. The stations are part of a large (and beautiful) wood pen display in the store's main aisle.

A good view of the main (writing instruments and ink) aisle. The store has a great selection of pens and other writing instruments at every price point...

Luc (standing to the left of the wheel) did a great job announcing the winning door prize ticket numbers...and he did it without a microphone -- thank you, Luc!

Above (L-R): Mark (seated), Daryl, Christopher T (with hat), Adam, David C. and Lyndon.

(L-R) Lyndon, Rebecca, Andrea, Lisa, Amy, and Cat.

More spinning of the prize wheel!

There were a total of twelve prizes given out that night...

Andrea's ticket number was drawn, so she got a turn to spin the wheel...

That's Yugo (Buchan's hard-working marketing manager) snapping a photo while Bruce looks on....

Don and Andrea (holding up her Buchan's gift certificate prize)

Lucky prize winners!

That's store owner Inna (center) handing a door prize to Paul (far right). Paul's wife Villoo also won a prize that night!

Me (Maja) in the middle, with Matthew (left) and Yugo (I know I was tired that night, but I did not fall asleep during the meeting lol)

Esther showing a bottle of Octopus Fluids "Write & Draw" ink (waterproof ink) she won in the door prize draw!

(L-R) Yang and Jen L. waiting patiently during the door prize draws...

Andrii also won a chance to spin the prize wheel....

(I'm not sure what he won, but he looks pleased!)

Amy also won a prize that night...

Yours Truly also won a spin of the wheel...

...and I wound up winning a Buchan's gift certificate!

New member Joy (attending her very first VPC meeting!) won the grand prize -- a Lamy 'Studio' fountain pen!

Buchan's owner Inna with Joy (holding her prize)

Sherman with Alvin & Yen...

It's 9:15pm already??? Time for just one more photo! (L-R) Liz R. (making a last-minute purchase), Sherman, Cat (at the till), Yugo (Inna is behind him), Irena (✌️) and Camila (far right). Many thanks to the friendly staff at Buchan's for their help with our inquiries and purchases that night!

Sherman's caption for this photo: "I took a napkin from the pantry last night (at the meeting at Buchan's), and used it as the background for my Conklin Mark Twain Crescent Filler™ Collection - Spring Green/Gold Leaf Marble.  It was an echo of the napkin that I brought home (after the October 2023 meeting at Buchan's) and, later on, used as background for the Hongdian D5 Qin Dynasty Red." (seen in Sherman's photo directly below)

(very nice photos, Sherman!)

Above (left to right)--the pens Sherman brought to our November meeting:

Conklin Mark Twain Crescent Filler™ Collection - Spring Green/Gold Leaf Marble
Γ©lysΓ©e Parthenon (10 Line) Laque Trajan Blue
Γ©lysΓ©e Dragon Pen (DP Line) ιΎηš„ε‚³δΊΊ SE Laque Noir
Γ©lysΓ©e Finesse (20 Line) Swirls Bi-Colour
Γ©lysΓ©e En Vogue (50 Line) Laque Leather Burgundy
Γ©lysΓ©e En Vogue (30 Line) Laque Brown (1992) (Set)

Parker 25B Matte Black (Pair)
Leonardo Momento Zero Blue Hawaii
Leonardo Momento Zero Turquoise-Green
Leonardo Furore Vancouver Pen Club L.E. Blue Mosaico
Maiora Impronte Terre GT
Delta Horsepower

(Sherman's famous briefcase!)

Thanks again to Inna and her staff at Buchan's for being such wonderful hosts, and thank you to everyone who came to Buchan's for our November meeting! Details about our December meeting will be posted on our website very soon!

(~blog post by Maja~)