Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 19, 2009 VPC meeting

We had a good turnout at last Thursday's meeting at Perks pen store---three new members showed up, and we had many nice green pens to admire (as evidenced by the pens displayed on the counter in the photo above--> click on photo to enlarge)
From L-R: Ian, Brian, Maja (myself), Richard (in mirror's reflection---he's the one taking the photo), Mike, Barry, Charles, Bill K and Glenn. Missing from photo: Bill S. & wife Suzanne (who had to leave early). Many thanks to all who showed up; I hope we get an equally good turnout for the April meeting. Please check the website for further details early next month.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Top O' the Mornin'! (VPC March meeting announcement)

Our next meeting will be held this coming Thursday---details below:

Date: Thursday March 19th, 2009
Time: 6:00 pm --"Meet & Greet" ; 6:30 pm --start of meeting.
Place: Perks pen shop, 5844 Cambie St. (at 42nd), Vancouver, B.C.
(across from Oakridge Mall...same place as last month's meeting)
Theme: Green pens & green inks (in honour of St. Patrick's Day).
If you have any eco-friendly/"green" paper (ie. the Staples "Eco-Friendly" paper reviewed by Graham in a recent blog post here), please feel to bring that, too. Among other pens I will be bringing is my green English Parker Duofold (pictured above).

Our secondary theme is always "New Acquisitions", so if you have any new pens/paper/inks to show, please bring them along. Hope to see a good turnout!