Sunday, June 19, 2011

July meeting info (including new venue details)

Our July meeting will be held at the VPL's Oakridge branch. Please note: this is *not* a permanent venue change; we just needed a venue with air-conditioning for this hot summer month :)

Time: Thursday July 21, 2011
Place: Community Room (Meeting Room) at the Vancouver Public Library's Oakridge branch -- #191 - 650 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. (behind the Oakridge Mall, by Kin's Market).
Time: 6:15pm to 8:30pm
Theme: "Made in Canada"----writing instruments made in Canada, plus INK SWAP!
As always, "New Acquisitions" is our secondary topic.

By popular demand, we will be doing another INK SWAP at the July meeting. Please bring any inks you don't want with you to the meeting and trade them with a fellow VPC member for ink/inks that you *will* use! No obligation to bring any inks if you love and use *all* your inks, of course :) Bottles and cartridges for trade are both fine for the Ink Swap.

Everyone welcome to attend & no admittance fees! We are a very casual club with no membership dues, so please drop by if you are interested in joining.
Any questions? Please contact us at

VPC meetings are held monthly, on the third Thursday of each month, *except for* December. Check this website for schedule changes/updates.

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