Friday, March 20, 2020

Vintage writing instruments galore!

I know how disappointing it was for many of you that we had to cancel our March meeting. Longtime Vancouver Pen Club member Christopher R, however, was kind enough to send me some photos of his wonderful vintage writing instruments to post on our club's website. It's not the same as seeing them in person, but hopefully we'll be back to having regular meetings in the not-too-distant future.
In the meantime, please stay safe and enjoy this virtual show & tell, courtesy of Christopher, from the comfort of your homes :)

(please click on images to enlarge)

...and last, but not least, this beautiful Wahl-Eversharp boxed set ca. 1931:
For more information on vintage Wahl-Eversharp writing instruments, I'd highly recommend checking out W-E expert Syd Saperstein's website.

Many thanks to Christopher for sending us these photos!

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