Sunday, December 6, 2020

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 116

A couple of quick shots of my brand-new Lamy 'Al-Star' fountain pen acquired from a few days ago (photos taken in natural light with no filters or editing)....

(please click on images to enlarge)

 The colour is called "black purple" and I love it. The black purple model was released as an SE (Special Edition) in 2009, but became part of the regular Al-Star lineup in 2011, according to this informative blog post.

Wondering if your particular black purple 'Al-Star' was a special edition or a regular edition? According to the blog post above, there were some minor changes made to the LAMY barrel logo in 2010. Based on the logo imprint on my particular pen, I determined it was part of a regular production run (ie. not the 2009 Special Edition run).  

Special edition or regular edition, it makes no difference to me---it's a great fountain pen and I'm glad I finally acquired it :)

There's an excellent behind-the-scenes video taken by Brian Goulet of Goulet Pens at the Lamy manufacturing facility in Heidelberg, Germany two years ago. Brian was given unprecedented access to the factory and his video documents all the steps involved in the making of Lamy's 'Al-Star' fountain pens, as well as Lamy's proprietary ink cartridges and converters. The amount of automation in the production of these products is staggering, and the high degree of quality control is truly impressive. It's a 15-minute-long narrated video, but it's well worth watching.

~Write-up & photos by Maja

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