Saturday, February 12, 2022

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 326

Now, for a splash of colour..courtesy of VPCer Lawrence!

He writes: "This acquisition is about a couple of decades old, so not sure if it counts as new 😂. But it is a pencil crayon set by Berol Prismacolor that I have not used. I got this at Chapters but instead of using it I ended up buying separate colours from Opus instead."

(all photos courtesy of Lawrence ~ please click on images to enlarge)

"This set I have comes in a metal box...

  ... that can be propped up. It has 60 colours."

"It looks so good together as a set. That’s why I decided to buy them separately to use and keep this set intact. This is one of those times when I broke the protocol of using pens and stationery that I bought. I know also that I will probably not use all 60 colours as I manually blend my colours anyway, so I thought okay let’s keep them together. Just this once 😂 "


"Before computer graphics and its precise pixel perfect possibilities and unlimited undos, I spent a good deal of time experimenting with different mediums. I eventually tried pencil crayons. I know it has the reputation of being a children’s art tool, like regular crayons, but I discovered that it gave me very precise lines and depending on the brand, I am able to get nice saturated colours and awesome shading.

"I have tried a few different brands and this one is one of the best. Also it does not break easily like other brands. As you may be able to see from some of the sample artworks (yes from my younger years lol) I had to press rather hard to get the saturated colours and blending."

"I drew a lot of dragon stuff then. I like this particular style of dragon. I love the book, The Flight of Dragons by Wayne Anderson and these dragons are inspired by this. I think there is actually a cartoon of the same name with dragons based on this book.

Looking at this set makes me nostalgic. Can’t believe how time flies. This phase of my life with dragons and coloured pencils played a big part in my decision to pursue art as a career."

Many thanks to Lawrence for sharing his photos and artwork (love that wonderful dragon!). Vancouver Pen Club members - if you have any newest acquisitions you'd like to share on our club's blog, please send them in, and I'll post them here.
Thanks in advance!


Jazz said...

Those drawings are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them.

Vancouver Pen Club said...

Hi Jazz, Lawrence (the artist) sends his thanks to you!