Thursday, July 14, 2022

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 401

Today's featured new acquisition is a rare vintage Parker fountain pen, recently acquired by Christopher!

He writes: "Parker Vacumatics have always been by far my favourite pen, but to acquire one right from the beginning of the line's history was something very special. In 1932 after coming out with the Golden Arrow, which was really the very first Parker Vacumatic, Parker released the Vacuum Filler. It had most of the Vacumatic make up but with some notable exceptions. First off, the laminated plastic was not transparent but opaque. Secondly, the inscription on the barrel had no reference to Vacumatic but read, ‘Vacuum Filler’ as did the nib. Then, at the beginning of 1933, Parker added an all black model to this line."

 (photo courtesy of Christopher ~ please click on image to enlarge)

Christopher: "The Vacuum Fillers came in three different sizes, the smallest being the sub-deb. Then there was the size up being the Junior, which sported two cap rings. Finally the biggest Parker Vacuum Filler was the Standard size, which had three matching cap rings. Then in June of 1933, Parker discontinued their Vacuum Filler to reintroduce it as the Vacumatic in 1934. They also discontinued the opaque finish moving to transparent one, so that the user of the pen could assess the ink level in the pen."

 "Finding an original Parker Opaque black finish Standard size Vacuum Filler at this late date is definitely a real vintage pen collector’s dream come true and now being in this lucky group, I could not be happier. The pen has a substantial feel to it measuring all of 6 inches posted, but caps back to a very pocketable 5 inches. The finish overall is jet black and, this pen being in essence a first generation model, is double jeweled. The filler is the Parker lockdown type hidden under a short matching blind cap. The fixtures are 14K gold filled, which is really offset by the jet black finish on the rest of the pen. The nib is the typical Vacumatic golden arrow style, but in two tone with an in part platinum mask. I found the pen to be an excellent writer once I restored and serviced it. So, yet another treasure finds its way into my vintage pen collection."

(introductory ad for the Vacuum Filler line which appeared in the Saturday Evening Post).

We featured the 'Stubby'-sized version in Burgundy Pearl belonging to Christopher back in March (link to post). How wonderful that he was able to acquire a second example of this rare Parker model! Congratulations to Christopher on his find, and our thanks to him for sharing it with us :)

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