Saturday, July 1, 2023

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 506

Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦

I'll be posting info about our July meeting as soon as I get confirmation from the venue. *Please note: the July meeting will not be held at the Kitsilano branch of the Vancouver Public Library this month* Meeting info is always posted on the top of each web page, in big red letters so you can't miss it ;)

In the meantime, enjoy these interesting Pelikan fountain pens Vladan found while on his European vacation!

(all photos courtesy of Vladan ~ please click on images to enlarge)

The first is this Pelikan 'Signum' model P505, produced from 1979-1988 (more info here, on Dominic Rothemel's excellent Pelikan reference website)

The second one is a Pelikan '3000 set' (post-2003 version) Silver fountain pen...

...and yes, this model was made with a steel nib marked Iridium Point! The earlier version of the '3000' ---the pre-2003 one---- came with a steel nib marked with the Pelikan logo (more info on these models here).

Many thanks to Vladan for sharing these cool finds with us :) Have a safe & enjoyable long weekend, everyone!

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