Many thanks to everyone who came to our August meeting last night! I'll be posting a meeting report (with lots of photos) next week, but in the meantime, enjoy this great ballpoint example of our meeting topic (Fountain Pen Knock-Offs/Fakes/Clones) sent in by one of our club's overseas members --Jerry from the U.K! (Jerry actually suggested our August meeting topic, and sent along a helpful list of talking points--thanks, Jerry!).
Without further's Jerry's example of a "genuinely" 😉 well-made fake:
(photo courtesy of Jerry ~ please click on image to enlarge)
Jerry writes: "Here is my “piece de resistance” fake 🤓! A Montblanc “Great Characters” series Andy Warhol ballpoint, complete with Montblanc boxes and service guide. If you look very carefully, on the inside of the lid, a previous owner/seller has actually blanked out “Montblanc” to avoid someone being fooled.
What I really love about this pen is that it has the Andy Warhol quote around the top “Art is what you can get away with”. I am sure he would have loved the irony of this rip off pen - even if Montblanc didn’t 🤣!
The genuine article is being sold for around CAN 1,700. I paid less than CAN 10.00, with the seller making it very clear it was a fake 👍! The pen actually works, writes and is impressively heavy!
Of course, the volte face is this: perhaps the genuine pen IS only worth 10 dollars and Montblanc are cashing in on their reputation and laughing all the way to the bank! I’m sure your members considered that very point when this was a topic previously."
Our thanks to Jerry for his photo and mini-review! Have a safe weekend, everyone :)
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