Saturday, May 25, 2024

June meeting at the RENFREW branch! (Thurs. June 20)

Where: The Branch Meeting Room of the Vancouver Public Library's RENFREW branch at 2969 East 22nd Avenue, in Vancouver, BC. The library is located on East 22nd Avenue, between Renfrew and Nootka.

Date: THURSDAY JUNE 20, 2024

Time: 5:00pm to 7:30pm (we have to leave the room by 7:30pm, as per the library's room rental policy)

Primary/Secondary Topics: NONE!
I thought we'd do a non-structured meeting in June, to give members more time to socialize. I think it's also a great opportunity to sell/trade pens/inks/paper as the meeting room at Renfrew is large and has lots of tables and chairs.

Hope you can make it! (no need to RSVP)
Questions? Email us at

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