Wednesday, October 23, 2024

October meeting photos - part 1

Not even an atmospheric river could deter 24 Vancouver Pen Club members (and a guest from the U.S) from attending our October meeting at the Kensington branch of the Vancouver Public Library on Saturday October 19th!

It was a busy meeting for me, as we had a record-breaking NINE new pen club members (Carola, Catherine, Cynthia, Jenn, Kenneth, Lisa, Lyndon, Lynne, and Rebecca) and one visitor (Loren) in attendance for this casual Fall get-together. I remembered to snap a few photos, so here they are....

(photos by me, Maja ~ please click on images to enlarge)

Photo above: (left to right) Carola, Anson, Paul, Jerred, Loren, David C, Asifa, Sam, Kenneth (I think!), Lisa (seated, with toque), Amy (back to camera), Bruce, Rebecca and Esther (far right of photo).

We didn't have a theme for our October meeting, but I think everyone had a good time. It was the first time we used this VPL branch's meeting room. The room had a lot of windows, and if the weather wasn't so awful, we would have had excellent lighting for all the ink swatching going on

Above: Brand-new member Carola and Anson. Anson brought along several wonderful examples of his own handmade Springfield Pens fountain pens (in his grey pen case above) and Carola brought a lovely assortment of modern fountain pens, including a cool handmade Skogsy Pens fountain pen (which I'd always admired, but had never seen in person).

Above: Two more brand-new members --Catherine (left) and Rebecca (middle)-- sitting with longtime member Dana!

Dana brought along some great fountain pens to show --(left to right): a Kyuseido 'Kakari FS Titanium' fountain pen, six lovely Pelikans, a couple of black Pilot fountain pens, a PenBBS 456 "Lemon Cookie Sandwich" fountain pen, a Pilot 'Vanishing Point' and a fountain pen by Franklin-Christoph.

Sherman arrived late, but I had a good time chatting with him....

...and we even did a little pen trading! (see photo above)  I filled a couple of gaps in his amazing élysée collection (more on that in part 2 of the meeting photos) and I got three very nice modern ballpoints from him in exchange --a black Cross 'Townsend' (upper left), a dark green Sheaffer 'Award' and a chrome Cross 'Century II'  (I just noticed my inadvertent "shadow puppetry" in the photo above --it looks a shadow dog on the far left lol)
Vladan (left) and Colin had a good time at the meeting. I traded some Blackwing wooden pencils with Colin and we both filled gaps in our respective Blackwing collections :)


Many thanks to everyone who braved the torrential rain to come to our October meeting! Sorry I didn't have time to take photos of everyone's pens, but part 2 of the meeting pics --courtesy of Sherman-- will be featured in the next blog post tomorrow. I hope you can make it to our next meeting (in November)--details will be posted here on our website soon!

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