Friday, April 24, 2020

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 3

Today's featured newest acquisition is a vintage Sheaffer 'Admiral Touchdown' "Nurse's" fountain pen owned by Christopher:

(~ photo by Christopher ~ click on image to enlarge~)

Christopher's notes on his Sheaffer Admiral Touchdown Nurse’s pen from the early 1950s:
"The pen originally came from the UBC Nursing school, a school that one of my older sisters, Jill, attended at about that time. The pen was in amazingly good condition seeing as it has a sheet white finish. Plus the 14K all gold screw in nib with feed had been responsibly cared for. The only drawback which I think I have properly dealt with was a small open end cap crack. This I covered with a wider but most attractive steel cap band (to match the rest of the fittings). I do like the white with polished steel. Looks very much the part for any RN from that period. As for a writer, it is just the best and I have it inked up and am using it in my current line up of pens for this week."

These fountain pens also came in a set which included a mechanical pencil and thermometer holder (photos of set here). All three pieces were white in colour, befitting their use in the medical profession.

Congratulations on a really interesting vintage find, Christopher, and thanks for sharing it with us!

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