Saturday, September 19, 2020

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 77

Who doesn't like getting a nice writing instrument as a gift? :)

VPC member Trevor's thoughts on his new Parker 'Urban' in "Vibrant Magenta"...

"In July 2020 I was in Buchan’s Stationery in Vancouver. The striking colour caught my eye. Simply gorgeous! It wasn’t in the budget that day so I sadly left it behind. It had bored a hole in my mind. I couldn’t see the colour on the Parker website, so I figured it was discontinued. About a month later I was there again with my new lady after brunch with my aunt. Looked at it again… The feel of the cap sliding on, the delicate ’tick’ sound as it seated… so satisfying. Shanin offered to buy it for me as a late birthday gift. So amazing!"  


 (photo courtesy of Trevor ~ please click on image to enlarge)

 He continues: "I installed a Parker purple QUINKmini cartridge and gave it a run. Smooth tip, even line, great grip feel. It’s a fine tip, but not as fine as my Pilot Metropolitan Fine. Good weight and balanced when not posted, but back heavy and the cap is not a good fit posted. Once the purple cartridge is empty I plan to fill a converter with some Jacques Herbin 1670 Émeraude de Chivor to use with it. Also considering buying some Jacques Herbin 1670 Rouge Hématite for it so the body of the pen more closely represents the colour within. Overall really happy with it. Great addition to the collection."

Many thanks to Trevor for sharing a photo of his new fountain pen and the story behind it. VPC members---please keep those photos of your newest pen-related acquisitions coming!

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