Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 142

Last June, we featured Stuart's vintage Esterbook model DB 116-L desk set, often referred to as the "eight ball" set, in the more unusual teal color (link to blog post here). 

In November, he added this lovely mint-green version to his growing desk pen collection...

(photo courtesy of Stuart ~ please click on image to enlarge) 

Stuart: "I snagged a mint-green Esterbrook 8-ball set on eBay on the weekend, and it’s now on its way from Pennsylvania.  I don’t know if the pen works, Estie’s are 50/50 for having working sacs.  It’s in good shape and will make a great companion piece to go with the Medallion set!"

It was a bit difficult for me to determine the colour of the desk pen from his photo above (is it grey or green?? à la "The dress" debate), so I asked Stuart about it. He replied "The desk pen is green, kind of a sage green, and darker than the one with the Medallion set. I fitted a Fine Stub nib on the desk pen; the one it came with was very scratchy. "

Many thanks to Stuart for the photo of his cool new desk set (and the many other photos he sent in over the past nine months :) Much appreciation to everyone in our pen club who contributed to our virtual "show & tell"!

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