Saturday, April 17, 2021

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 182

Today's featured acquisition is a beautiful vintage Waterman Nurse’s set (consisting of a thermometer case, matching fountain pen and matching mechanical pencil) belonging to Christopher... 

(photo courtesy of Christopher ~ please click on image to enlarge)

Christopher: "I picked it up downtown from a dealer who has, on occasion, done me proud with the odd point. When I got the set, the boxed was trashed and in need of a lot of TLC. Fortunately, over the years I have had a lot of experience restoring vintage collectable and antique item packaging. As for the pen, it required a replacement nib which I nabbed from a duplicate Waterman nurse’s pen, resacking and a good polishing. The thermometer was in good shape and correct for the vintage and the pencil was news stand mint." 

 Many thanks to Christopher for sharing his lovely set (and great photo :) with us! I did a bit of digging and found an ad for a different version of a vintage Waterman's Nurse's set:

(advertisement from a May 1942 Saturday Evening Post of a Waterman Nurse's set consisting of two fountain pens and a matching mechanical pencil----see detail below---click to enlarge)


The Nurses' set in the ad above consists of a mechanical pencil and two slightly different fountain pens  - "one for day and one for night". It's hard to see, but one pen has a black band near the top of its cap and the other has a red band. The pen with the black band was meant to be filled with black ink and used for charting patient notes during the day, while the other pen was to be used with red ink for night charting by the nurse.

(ad source)

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