Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 424

As promised in the previous blog post, here are a few more photos of Stuart's vintage Sheaffer desk set (taken at his home, not at the pen club meeting), along with his thoughts on this great find!

 (all photos courtesy of Stuart ~ please click on images to enlarge)

Stuart: "Here’s some pics of a lovely set that arrived last Tuesday from Las Vegas."

"It’s a Sheaffer, from 1936-37, in canary yellow glass with a mirrored inner bottom. It’s a smaller sibling to the larger one I acquired in 2019. There’s a chip on the bottom right side, more visible when looking down on the base from above, as visible in a couple of the shots. Otherwise, it’s in fine shape, and like the big one, just glows with reflected light!"

"The pen I’m using comes from another set, as the TD (Touchdown) pen that came with the base isn’t functional. These don’t turn up often on eBay, so I feel very lucky to have snagged two canary glass sets."

(The base really does glow, as we saw at our September in-person meeting!) Our thanks to Stuart for sharing it with us :)

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