Friday, August 11, 2023

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 511

Well, since British Columbia's first significant summer heat wave is due to hit us this coming Sunday, I thought it fitting to post a photo that Stuart sent in of his TWSBI Eco in the "Heat" colour 🔥 (and two of his other newest acquisitions) !

In his email, Stuart wrote: "I woke up my ancient iPod Touch and took some photos of recent acquisitions with it. Most of them synced to the iMac, but not all, I don’t know why. The Touch is old, 11 years or so now, so that alone could be the problem. Anyway enough were transferred for me to do some simple editing, so here they are!"

(all photos courtesy of Stuart ~ please click on images to enlarge)
Stuart: "The Mt. Fuji Platinum is hard to photograph well enough to do its beauty justice, but I’m content with how my pics came out."

"Then a shot of the 1952 Parker 51 Aerometric in Cocoa that Christopher sold me at the last meeting. Great-looking pen, and a smooth writer. Funny aside - a seller of one of these on eBay calls the colour “Ovaltine”, LOL!"

"And finally the vibrant Heat TWSBI Eco, a very fun pen and perfect for Summer."

Our thanks to Stuart for snapping these shots for our pen club's website!

Please take care during this coming hot weather -- stay well-hydrated, seek shelter in cooling centers if need be, and please don't leave your kids or pets in your vehicle!

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