Saturday, June 29, 2024

Newest Acquisitions (Virtual "Show & Tell") ~ part 520

Hope you're having a nice Canada Day 🇨🇦 long weekend! For your reading pleasure, here's another blog post about a vintage writing instrument (this time, a mechanical pencil) that Christopher picked up not long ago; the fountain pen mentioned in his write up was actually featured here on our blog back in 2021...

Christopher writes:

"Years ago, I happened on the most lovely Parker Apple Green Pastel Moire Lady’s fountain pen, a true Parker Lucky Curve re: both the feed and the nib. Being from the late 1920s, it was a streamlined model and for the lady who originally owned it, a short ribbon ring top. On servicing the pen, I found that the button filler worked like a charm and when it came to laying ink down on paper, the 14K gold Parker Lucky Curve nib proved to be quite flexy. Frankly, I could not have been more pleased. Then the other day, while out and about, I came across the perfect mate for this Apple Green beauty. In this case, a matching Apple Green mechanical pencil, mint in its original display box:

(photo courtesy of Christopher ~ please click on image to enlarge)

"I guess what really caught my interest was the fact that the Parker company actually had dedicated boxes for their pencils. Not only did the box lid sport the words ‘Parker Pencil’ in cream on black, but on the two long side flaps, the words, “Parker – the Perfected Pencil”! The rest of the box was finished in a very smart and complementary forest green. Along with this packaging were the original Parker pencil instructions for use and, in a very small font, the words (also in cream on the box lid) “Lucky Curve”. So, the sum total of both these fine items equaled a late 1920s Parker pen and pencil set. A set I will be adding to my vintage pen collection and using from time to time with great enjoyment"

Our thanks to Christopher for sharing this find with us!

Info about our July meeting will be posted here on our blog as soon as the venue booking has been confirmed
-- please check the top of each web page for this info (it'll be in big red letters :)

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